Friday, January 2, 2009

Program Associate Position Available in Mexico City

*Program Associate Position Available *


*Program Associate Job Description * The Americas Program Program
Associate is a full time position based in Mexico City available
soon to qualified candidates.

*Main responsibilies include:*
1. *Production of materials:* Tracking, copyedit and coordination of production of all Americas Program
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articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese. The Program Associate also coordinates translation and promotion of materials to the public and media, management of subscriber lists/listserves/ google groups of 32,000 people.
2. *Fundraising: * proposal writing, research funding sources, individual donor drives, and generating from fees, royalties and honoraria, grant reports.
3. *Media Outreach:* to Spanish and English language media in the U.S. and Latin America. Also includes tracking media appearances.
4. *Some administration: *The CIP office does much of the adminstration but the Program Associate handles payments to providers, petty cash and expense reports, copies in coordination with administrative staff in Washington DC and webmaster in New Mexico.
5. *Miscellaneous tasks:* website changes, relations with other organizations, etc.

*Skills required:*
Fluent written and spoken English and Spanish. Portuguese a plus.
Basic Word/Excel, HTML/dreamweaver, Quark. Basic email distribution web-based software also a plus.

*Salary and Benefits:* According to experience
Send resume and cover letter to americas@ciponline. org

* Contact Katie Kohlstedt, americas@ciponline. org, 202-536-2649 *
*Produced and distributed by the Americas Policy Program, a program of the Center for International Policy (CIP).
For more information, visit

If you would like to reprint material from the Americas Program (
please email: americas@ciponline. org.*

*If you would like to subscribe to the free biweekly e-zine Americas Updater (English) or Boletin Transfronterizo (Español y Portuguës) or our listservs on specific issues for the first time, please go to:

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